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and a series of moments


Video 27min

audio description

Pipsa Toikka


The video will be shown as a part of

New Glass Now exhibition

in The Corning Museum of Glass

in Corning New York in 2019-2020

Based on a gesture of raising a glass like when toasting, a wordless dialogue is composed between a couple sitting at a table. Glasses are different by their shape, size and colour of liquid that they are filled with. Taking turns they pick a glass and challenge each other. Each act of raising and breaking a glass is a chance to meet each other, to negotiate and to interact. 

For this version of the video I collaborated with an audio describer Pipsa Toikka. By describing the original three-channel video, she verbalises the wordless dialogue between the couple. While Toikka describes the facial gestures of the couple, only the middle video of the table showing their encountering hands and a game of colourful spills is left for visual observation. 

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