Performance view
I You it, 2017, Art Fair Suomi '17 / The Cable Factory
Helsinki, Fi
Photo credit: Neo Aarnikotka
I You it / Mä Sä Se
2015 - current
Performance, audio piece with shared listening
The audio track is heard from three sets of headphones. I am wearing one pair, and I carry two other pairs with me. I look for a potential listener with my gaze, moving in a space. When a viewer turns into a listener, I look the participant in the eye until she/he abandons me. While I give all my attention to the first one, the second listener becomes an observer who hears what is inaudible to others in the space. Still the observer remains excluded from the eye contact between me and the other listener.
The audio track is looped and it consists of one phrase ‘I love you’ repeated in various rhythms and different nuances by one voice.
The performance has been taken place in, e.g. Intro in situ in Maastricht (NL), Nothing Gallery in Xiamen (CH), Art Fair Suomi ’17 in Helsinki and Porin Juhlaviikot (Fi).